Under the Residential Lease (TXR 2001), tenants are required to know the locations of the main water cut-off valve and all electric breakers. Section 17A outlines the tenants’ maintenance responsibilities, which include knowing how to shut off these systems at appropriate times to mitigate any potential damage to the property.
But what if tenants don’t know?
While landlords are not obligated to inform tenants where these systems are located and how to use them, they have the option of including the Residential Lease Inventory and Condition Form (TXR 2006) as an addendum to the Residential Lease. The Inventory and Condition Form has dedicated boxes in Section A where tenants may note whether the water cut-off valve and electric breakers have been located.
It may be in the interest of landlords and property managers to confirm that the cut-off valve and breakers are readily accessible, that their tenants know where they are located, and that they know how to operate them. Consider taking these extra steps to help tenants fulfill the terms of the lease and minimize problems and property damage.